
rj mann device lineup



rj mann website


RJ Mann & Associates, Inc.

The current RJ Mann & Associates website is a major redesign of a previous website that Click First Design built, prior to the adoption of responsive design as a web standard. This website is one of the largest I’ve built, in terms of unique pages, many of which incorporate tab panels to accommodate extensive product information.

The 74 pages are necessary to convey the broad scope of RJ Mann’s business, which includes servicing and supplying the Oil, Natural Gas, and Industrial markets with instrumentation, controls, emissions products, and compressor components for natural gas and diesel engines.

RJ Mann was very involved in the initial design phase of the project, specifically the look and feel of the navigation menus and home page links. The site is extremely detailed, with special attention given to product imagery, part specifications, and downloadable product literature.

Click First Design supplied the expertise for rendering color and structural themes, photographic editing and enhancement, researching and compiling brand-specific data, and written content creation.

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